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Załącznik nr 3 do
Uchwały Zarządu Fundacji Candela

nr 7/2024


Regulations for Participation in the Event Organized by the Candela Foundation

dated 6 January 2025

The present Regulations establish the rules for participating in the Event organized by the Candela Foundation, as well as the obligations of both the event participants and organizers. Reviewing and consenting to the provisions of these Regulations and the Code of Conduct is a prerequisite for participating in the event organized or co-organized by the Candela Foundation.

§1. Definitions

The terms referred to in the present Regulations shall have the following definitions unless clearly specified otherwise:

  1. Foundation – the Candela Foundation with its seat in Warsaw (03-822), ul. Grochowska 357/513, listed in the National Register of Associations, Other Social and Professional Organizations, Foundations and Public Health Care Units, under KRS number: 0000885495, and the Tax Identification Number: 1133028363, National Official Register of Business Entities (REGON): 388293056, National Official Register of Business Entities (DUNS): 679296691, and the National Official Register of Business Entities (NCAGE): 9AHKH,
  2. Organizer – the Foundation,
  3. Event – XIX International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems, organized by the Foundation, which will take place in Conference Centre of the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw on 14-18 July 2025.
  4. Coordinator – a physical person (or persons), appointed by the Organizer, responsible for overseeing the course of the Event.
  5. Regulations – the present Regulations,
  6. Event Website – the website associated with the given Event, available at https://www.oecs19.pl/
  7. Code of Conduct – a set of norms and guidelines describing which behaviors are acceptable and which are not during events organized by the Foundation. The contents of the Code of Conduct are published on the Event Website.
  8. Organizer Website – the Foundation’s website, available at: candela.org.pl.
  9. Staff – a natural person appointed by the Organizer, responsible for supporting the Event in administrative, technical, and logistical aspects.
  10. Participant – person taking part in the Event. Prior registration to the Event confirmed by the Organizer is a prerequisite for participating in the Event.
  11. Foundation Board – the body appointed for the purpose of representing the Foundation.

§2 Code of Conduct and the rules for Collaboration

  1. Participants are obligated to follow the rules described in the Code of Conduct, including to respect other Participants, the Organizers, and the Event Staff.
  2. Participants are obligated to follow instructions given by the Event Staff and the Coordinator appointed by the Organizer.
  3. Violating the Code of Conduct or the Regulations shall result in one of the following consequences:
    1. A warning;
    2. Removal from the event
    3. Removal from the Event and becoming banned from participating in events organized by the Organizer for a period of 5 years.
  4. The decision on the type of consequences described in section 3 shall be made by the Coordinator.
  5. The Participant shall be informed of the decision made by the Coordinator via an e-mail sent to the address provided when registering for the Event. The Participant may also be informed of the decision verbally.
  6. The Organizer reserves the right to exclude from the Event any Participant who in any way violates the provisions of these Regulations, and in particular:
    1. Performs actions which are against the law, principles of good conduct or harmful to the justified interests of third parties;
    2. Performs actions intent on or indicating an attempt to circumvent the Regulations;
    3. Performs actions which violate the established interests of the Organizer or which are harmful to its image.

§3 Program

  1. The Organizer publishes the Program on the Event Website.
  2. The Organizer reserves the right to alter the Event program prior to its commencement and at any time during the Event.
  3. Information about the changes to the Event program shall be published on the Event Website.

§4 Safety

  1. For the safety of the Participants, the Organizer and Coordinator have the right to:
    1. Deny entry to a Participant whenever justified by security reasons;
    2. In cases justified by security reasons, demand that the Participant leave the Event premises, and to take appropriate steps and measures to ensure that the demand is complied with. This especially applies to situations where the Participants disturbs public order, behaves aggressively or acts in violation of the present Regulations or the Code of Conduct, or in any other way causes a safety hazard to other Participants of the Event;
    3. Deny entry on to the Event premises to Participants found to be in possession of weapons or other items that may pose a threat to the orderly conduct of the Event. 

§5 Consumption of Alcohol and Liability

  1. The consumption of alcohol during the Event shall be permitted only in designated places and times.
  2. The Organizer shall not be liable for incidents or damage caused by Participants under the influence of alcohol. Full responsibility rests with these Participants.

§6 Image, video and audio recording

  1. The Participants consent to having their image registered in the form of photos and video and recordings for promotional and documentary purposes related to the Event.
  2. Registering the Event in video and audio form by other parties is permissible only after obtaining prior permission from the Organizer.
  3. The Participants have the right to object to the registration of their image in case of individual photographs or recordings.
  4. The Organizer states that a Participant is aware that the course of the Event will be registered in the form of an audiovisual recording and/or photographs and agrees that works created in this way will be used for mass media broadcasting purposes (television, radio, Internet, press etc.) or for documentation, promotion, or advertising of the Organizer or other persons indicated by the Organizer, as well as the Event itself (commercial use).
  5. The Organizer informs that registration of the works described above shall take place on the entire premises of the venue where the Event shall be taking place, unless the Organizer clearly designates recording-free zones.
  6. The Participant authorizes the Organizer to utilize his or her image and/or voice and utterances (if made by the Participant during lecture discussions and/or to the camera) and their broadcasting as elements of the aforementioned works for the purposes listed in section 1 above, and hereby grants the Organizer, as well as any entities authorized by the Organizer, non-exclusive and royalty-free permission to use them without temporal or territorial limitations, to use them in various fields of exploitation of the works, and in particular:
    1. Preserve them on any audio-visual medium (on video, photosensitive or magnetic tape, and computer disk, on a multimedia network, including on the Internet);
    2. Reproduce them by any technique;
    3. Display, replay, broadcast, and rebroadcast them publicly;
    4. Lend, rent, lease data storage devices on which the image, voice, or utterance was recorded;
    5. Record them on computer memory and multimedia networks;
    6. Use them on various kinds of websites (including the Organizer’s website).
  1. The Participant waives:
  1. The right to control and approve the use of his or her image each time, including the right to approve the final form of the materials in which his or her image will be used;
  2. Any claims, including financial ones, against the Organizer for the use of his/her image for the purposes specified in the Regulations.

§7 Liability for the Content Presented at the Conference

  1. The Organizer shall not be held liable for the content presented during the Event by the Participants, speakers or any other persons.
  2. Any potential copyright infringement claims fully rest with the presenting persons.
  3. The Organizer does not bear responsibility for any statements, assurances or commitments made by the Participants, speakers or any other persons appearing at the Event.

§8 ID Badges

  1. The Participants are required to wear ID badges issues to them by the Organizer throughout the entire course of the Event.
  2. Lack of an ID badge will result in denial of entry to the Event premises.

§9 Prohibited Actions

  1. On the Event premises, the following actions are strictly prohibited:
    1. Smoking tobacco or e-cigarettes;
    2. Bringing in and consuming intoxicating substances;
    3. Bringing in pyrotechnic products and firearms;
    4. Entering with animals;
    5. Using laser pointers.
  1. The ban concerning entering with animals described in section 3 point C does not apply to assistance dogs, as referred to in article 2 point 11 of the Act of August 27th, 1997 on Vocational and Social Rehabilitation and the Employment of Persons with Disabilities. A person entering in the company of an assistance dog shall be held fully liable for any damages caused by the assistance dog.

§10 Internet Access

  1. The Organizer may provide access to the Internet or a WiFi network on the Event premises. The login credentials, if any, will be shared with the Participants.
  2. The Organizer shall not be held liable for any damages resulting from using the provided Internet connection or WiFi network, including infection with computer viruses.

§11 Organizer’s Liability

  1. The Organizer shall not be held liable for the Participants’ personal belongings that may become lost, destroyed, or stolen during the Event.
  2. The Organizer does not provide any form of guarantee regarding the outcomes of a Participant’s involvement in the Event.

§12 Participant’s Liability

  1. Any material provided to or shared with the Participant may be used by them exclusively for educational and training purposes in connection with the Event. 
  2. The Participant may not reproduce, sell, or distribute these materials or any other intellectual property belonging to the Organizer or third parties.

§13 Exceptional Situations and Suspension of the Regulations

  1. The Organizer reserves the right to suspend validity of individual provisions of the Regulations in exceptional situations, such as:
    1. Sudden organizational changes caused by factors outside of the Organizer’s control, such as safety issues, schedule changes, unforeseen technical or logistical situations;
    2. Introduction of new legislation or recommendation that may influence the course of the Event;
    3. Other extraordinary circumstances justifying a temporary deviation from select provisions.
  2. The introduction of such a suspension does not relieve the Participants from remaining compliant with the remaining provisions of the Regulations and the Code of Conduct.
  3. The Organizer shall endeavor to ensure that any restrictions resulting from the suspension are proportionate to have minimal impact the comfort of the Participants.

§14 Final provisions

  1. The Organizer reserves the right to change the form of the Event (e.g. to host it online) in situations where hosting the Event in person becomes impossible or excessively difficult for reasons beyond the control of the Organizer, in particular due to imposed restrictions, orders, or prohibitions.
  2. The Organizer shall publish the content of the Regulations on the Event Website before the commencement of registration for the Event.
  3. The Organizer reserves the right to introduce changes to the Regulations.
  4. Each new version of the Regulations shall apply to the persons who have not yet registered for the Event or accepted the new Regulations.
  5. The Regulations in effect on the date of registering for the Event shall apply in relation to all matters related to the Participant’s involvement in the Event.
  6. The opinion of the Foundation Board shall be decisive regarding the interpretation of the Regulations.
  7. Should any provisions of the Regulations be changed or made void as a result of a binding court ruling, the remaining provisions of the Regulations shall remain in effect.
  8. Any disputes with the Organizer shall be settled amicably first and later by the court having local jurisdiction over the Organizer’s seat, unless the provisions of generally applicable Polish law stipulate otherwise.
  9. In matters not regulated by the present Regulations, the provisions of the Polish law, and in particular the Civil Code, shall apply.